Extremist Islamist groups

ISIS Hiding among Civilians Posed a Threat to Their Lives, and the Attacking Party Should Take This into Account

Parties Claiming to Fight Extremist Organizations Have Committed Flagrant Human Rights Violations Paris – Statement by the Syrian Network for Human Rights:   The operation carried out...

The Seven Main Parties that Kill Civilians in Syria in 2016

The Syrian-Iranian-Russian Regime is Responsible for the Killing of 76% of Civilian Victims I. Introduction This report contains a number of charts for the death toll...

Toll of Syrian Victims Killed by Extremist Groups

From Supporting Syrians to Killing Them A- Introduction: When the popular demonstrations started in March 2011, it was for certain demands concerning the Syrian people, demanding...

Executions by burning

A Practice By Syrian Government Forces Syrian regime forces, pro-government forces and foreign militias have widely adopted the practice of execution by burning and the...


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