Death Toll

Hunting Humans

5307 citizen have been killed by the snipers of the Syrian regime and its militias When a sniper decides to kill a victim, he observes...

Coalition Forces Airstrikes Killed Civilians in Idlib

Incident Details: A warplane affiliated to the coalition forces made an airstrike on the east of Kafar-Daryan village in the northern countryside of Idlib at...

Civilians Death Toll of the First Day of Coalition Forces Airstrikes

The Syrian Regime The Syrian regime and its militias killed no less than 28 civilian, including four children, 2 women, and eight under torture National Coalition...

Comparison of the civilians whom were killed by the Syrian regime and ISIS

Comparison of the civilians whom were killed by the Syrian regime and ISIS Civilians killed by Syrian Regime 124752 Civilians killed by ISIS 831 Children killed by...

Total number of victims killed by the Islamic State

Islamic State’s expansion: Since the first moments of the Islamic State declaration on 9 April, 2014, violations perpetrated by IS hasn’t stopped against the Syrian...

The Death Toll for Eid Al-Fetr

SNHR has documented the killing of 255 people during Eid Al-Fetr divided as follows: First: Government Forces   A: Civilians SNHR has documented the killing of 165...

The Death Toll for Ramadan

SNHR has documented the killing of 2378 people during Ramadan divided as follows: First: Government Forces A: Civilians SNHR has documented the killing of...

The Syrian Regime Has Killed 9427 people between UN Security Council Resolutions 2139 and 2165

We were pleased with UN Security Council Resolution 2139, issued on 22 February, 2014, as it stated to: “immediately cease all attacks against civilians”...

A comparison between the victim numbers in Syria and the victim number in Gaza

87 civilians including 19 children and 12 women at least. This high percentage (36%) demonstrates the use of excessive force and indiscriminate shelling to...

The Syrian regime and ISIS does not respect Holy Month of Ramadan

SNHR has documented the killing of 494 people during the first week of Ramadan as follows. First: Government Forces SNHR has documented the killing of...


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