
The International Alliance’s Airstrikes Killed 24 Civilians and Destroyed a Number of Vital Buildings

In the same period of time, the Syrian regime killed 1447 civilians The international alliance started a military campaign against ISIS on 23 September, 2014....

Hunting Humans

5307 citizen have been killed by the snipers of the Syrian regime and its militias When a sniper decides to kill a victim, he observes...

Syrian Refugees Arrested and Tortured in A’arsal during September 2014

Background information about Arsal Arsal is a village located in Lebanon – Baalbek – Beqaa governorate. Arsal is relatively isolated, it is 38 km away...

Bombarding Al-Wa’r Neighborhood Worsens the Suffering of 15,000 Families under Siege and Kills Tens of Victims

The Syrian regime is has been imposing a suffocating siege on Al-Wa’r neighborhood in western Homs, where approximately 15,000 families lives, since Thursday 10...

The Syrian Regime Is The Worst in The World in Cluster Munitions Use

On Saturday, 16 August 2014, the Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor for 2014 published a report about the use of cluster munitions in the...

The Syrian regime targets a hospital, a clinic, a market, a school, and two mosques in Saraqeb

Saraqeb city is located in southeastern Idlib. On the first and second day of Al-Adhd Eid, the Syrian regime dropped more than 10 barrel...

27 Documented Massacres in September 2014

SNHR documented 27 massacres perpetrated during the month of September. The Syrian regime and its militias perpetrated 25 of the 27 massacres while the...

Targeting Vital Facilities in September 2014

If the Security Council was unable to carryout Resolution 2139, adopted on 22 February, 2014, which states: “all parties immediately cease all attacks against...

679 Have Been Tortured to Death since the Supposed Presidential Amnesty Decree

Winning the presidential elections, The Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad issued an amnesty decree on 9 June, 2014. Nevertheless, the Syrian regime security forces and...

No less than 1104 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in September 2014

I. Introduction The ongoing and daily process of documenting detainees comes with additional challenges for SNHR that have been documenting detainees since 2011. One of...


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