
Most Notable Cases of Torture to Death inside Syrian Regime Detention Centers in April 2014

Executive summary: No less than 164 individuals were tortured to death at the hands of government forces inside the official and non-official detention centers. While...

Not Less than 39 Massacres Committed in April 2014

I- Executive Summary SNHR documented not less than 39 massacres committed in April 2014, detailed as follows: A- Government forces (army, security forces, local militias,...

The Death Toll for April 2014

SNHR has documented the killing of 3397 people during April divided as follows: First: Government Forces   SNHR has documented the killing of 1851 civilians by...

The Syrian Government and poison gas attacks from 2012 until 2014

SNHR’s reports and researches team has documented the use of poison gases by the government forces in 28 different occasions before the Eastern and...

Documentation of a Sectarian Massacre Against a Whole Family in Karm al Zaytoun Neighborhood

Following days of relentless shelling of the Karm al Zaytoun neighborhood by government forces, and on the basis of an existing truce guaranteeing the...

Medics are decreasing in Syria

The international humanitarian law gives special consideration to the medical personnel. However it was a high priority for SNHR to document violation against the...

When the sky rains barrel bombs

Barrel bombs airstrikes have killed about a thousand Syrian citizens; 97% approximately of them are civilians. We believe thatthese numbers arereasonableconsidering the indiscriminate dropping...

Government Forces Use Strange Kinds of Poisonous Gases The Committee on Chemical Weapons Illuminating should visit the targeted locations

Since our team wasn’t able to visit the location of the incident and considering the network’s limited capacities and present circumstances, we used in...

No less than 994 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in March 2014

I. Introduction The ongoing and daily process of documenting detainees comes with additional challenges for SNHR that have been documenting detainees since 2011. One of...

The most prominent cases of Torture in March 2014

176 Victims have been tortured to death this month on the hands of the Syrian government inside its detention centers across Syria; March had...


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