
At Least 15 Attacks on Vital Facilities in March 2014

I. Executive Summary: In March 2014, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) recorded at least 15 attacks on vital facilities, distributed according to the...

Medical Personnel Killed in March 2014

I. Report summary: The Syrian Network for Human Rights' team documented the killing of nine medical personnel in March 2014, including three doctors and a...

Violations against Media Activists during March, 2014

With every day goes by, new violations are being documented against media activists regardless of the party that committed these violations. Media work has...

Cluster weapons must be destroyed as well

With the beginning of 2014, the Syrian regime has escalated unprecedentedly its use of the internationally-prohibited cluster bombs as if the Syrian regime was...

Not Less than 26 Massacres Committed in March 2014

I- Executive Summary: SNHR documented not less than 26 massacres perpetrated in March 2014, detailed as follows: A- Government Forces (army, security forces,...

Targeting a line of four thousand people

Targeting a line of four thousand people Al-Yarmouk camp, the largest Palestinian camp in Syria, is located about 10KM away from the center of...

Three Years Harvest

Victims 124927 deaths are documented, among them 105721 civilians (88%), 14314 children and 12935 women. This outcome doesn’t include the deaths in the government forces. This...

The Death Toll for March 2014

The report includes:  Civilians killed by the government forces. Rebels killed by the government forces. Civilians and rebels killed by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria...

They killed My Teacher

Barrel Bombs Terrorize Different Syrian Governorates despite Recent Security Council Resolutions Introduction Aleppo has been targeted for the last two months with barrel bombs. These attacks...

More than 330 barrel bomb on Daraya alone

After the excessive air strikes with explosive barrels against Aleppo by the government forces, that destroyed large sections of Aleppo’s neighborhoods and killed thousands...


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