
No Less than 57 Vital Centers were Targeted in November 2014

Executive Summary During the month of November, no less than 57 vital centers were targeted as follows: Government forces: 46 centers Extremist groups: one center Armed groups: six...

At least 33 Massacres Have been Perpetrated in November 2014

Executive Summary SNHR documented no less than 33 massacres during November as follows: Government forces: 31 massacres Extremist groups: one massacre Armed groups: one massacre Massacres were divided among...

Ten Medics were Killed in November 2014

Executive Summary SNHR methodology is based on collecting direct testimonies by survivors or victims’ families in addition to analyzing and verifying photos, video footages, and...

237 died under torture during November 2014

Methodology Since 2011, the Syrian regime has refused to recognize any arrests as it accused Al-Qaeda and the terrorist groups of committing these crimes. Also,...

Six Media Activist Killed, Eight Kidnapped and Arrested, and Three Injured in November 2014

Introduction Obstacles and difficulties facing human rights and media activism increase, in synchronization with lack of reliability which reached a critical and dangerous level. This...

1685 people were killed in November 2014

Report Details SNHR documented the death of 1685 people in November 2014, distributed as follows: First: The government forces A. Civilians SNHR documented the death of 1169 people...

Ar-Raqqa, Statistics and Facts between the Syrian Regime and ISIS

Introduction ISIS has managed to take over Ar-Raqqa almost completely on 12 January, 2014. From that time until the issuance of Security Council resolution 2170,...

The Syrian Woman in the Midst of the Syrian Conflict

Introduction The Syrian woman has been a part of the popular movement that begun in March 2011 by preparing and coordinating dozens of demonstrations, carrying...

Children of Syria… A Lost Dream

Executive Summary Since the beginning of the popular protests in Syria, children have been victims of various kinds of crimes. We documented the names and...

Most Notable Imprisoned and Forcibly disappeared Journalists

Introduction Even before the emergence of the armed groups in the second half of 2013 and then the extremist groups in 2013, The Syrian regime...


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