
Not Less than 38 Massacres Were Committed in June 2014

32 amongst which were committed by government forces I- Executive Summary: SNHR documented not less than 38 massacres that were committed in June 2014, detailed...

Most Significant Violations against Media Activists in June 2014

First: Summary Violations against media activists in June are divided as follows: 1- Killing: SNHR documented the killing of seven media activists as follows: Government forces killed...

Death Toll since the Beginning of the Revolution until the End of June 2014

First: The Syrian Regime The Syrian regime forces killed no less than 133586 people; including 109347 civilian (88% of the total) among them 15149 children...

When a Wedding Turns into a Massacre

Report methodology The report draws upon a field-visit by SNHR member in Damascus city “Dr. Majd al Masri”. Dr. Majd met and treated a number...

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture in Syria

Every day, SNHR team documents no less than six people killed under torture inside the official and unofficial detention centers. This number represents the...

The Syrian Refugees and World Refugee Day

Introduction : In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly decided that 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day. On this day the sufferings...

The Syrian Regime Violated Resolution 2118

The Syrian government has signed the CWC on 14 September, 2013. On 28 September, 2013, the Security Council passed Resolution 2118 which includes in...

Medic Victims in May 2014

With the Syrian revolution going into its fourth year, medics are still falling in the Syrian conflict. However, the Syrian government is the main...

818 Cases of Arbitrary Arrest in May 2014

I. Introduction and Methodology The ongoing and daily process of documenting detainees comes with additional challenges for SNHR that have been documenting detainees since 2011....

Most Prominent Victims of Torture in May 2014

Media Activists Ayman Zahar Tabash, a media activist from Ad-Dmier city in Damascus countryside. Ayman was arrested on 15 January, 2014 at a military checkpoint...


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