Chemical weapons

The Syrian Regime Has Used Chemical Weapons Five Times after Khan Sheikhoun Incident

All Attacks were in Damascus and Eastern Ghouta SNHR has released its 27th report on the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The report documents...

Russian Forces Have, most likely, Supported the Syrian Regime Forces in Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attack

“We were Gasping for Air” SNHR has released a report entitled: “Russian Forces Have, most likely, Supported the Syrian Regime Forces in Khan Sheikhoun Chemical...

Following Khan Sheikhoun, the Syrian Regime Carries Out yet another Chemical Attack

The Syrian Regime Must be Stopped from Perpetrating any more Massacres with any kinds of Weapons No more than 72 hours have passed since the...

No less than Nine Chemical Attacks since the Beginning of 2017

The Syrian Regime has Breached Security Council Resolutions 167 Times In its 4th report which was published on October 21, 2016, the OPCW-UN Joint Investigative...

Despite the U.N. Confirming its Responsibility, the Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons Again

No less than 20 Chemical Attacks after the New Joint Investigative Mechanism’s Report, and 158 Breaches of Security Council Resolution 2118 SNHR Calls for the...

The Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons again in Hama Governorate

138 Uses of Chemical Attacks after Security Council Resolution 2118 On Saturday 1 October 2016 at approximately 19:30, a government forces helicopter dropped two barrel...

The Syrian Regime Uses Chemical Weapons again and Insults the Security Council for a 137th Time

137 Uses of Chemical Weapons after Security Council Resolution 2118 On Monday 6 September 2016 around 1:30 PM, government forces helicopters dropped a barrel bomb...

The Third Anniversary of the Chemical Massacres in Ghouta

The First Anniversary of Security Council Resolution 2235 to Identify the Perpetrators Three years have passed since the Syrian regime perpetrated the most atrocious and...

139 Chemical attacks in Syria after Security Council Resolution 2118

139 Violations of the Security Council Resolution and the Criminal is still in Power The report: “139 Violations of the Security Council Resolution and the...

The Syrian Regime Uses Toxic Gases Again and Violates UNSC Resolutions 2118, 2209, and 2235

“Russia’s Inadequate Assurance” SNHR issued its 24th documentation report about the use of chemical gases in Syria by government forces mainly. The report stated that...


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