Nearly 367 victims, 240 missing persons and 33 thousand displaced individuals are the result of this attack on Abu Hamam City in Deir Al...

ISIS tightens its grip and occupies more Syrian lands Introduction: Abu Hamam City, 65 Km away from the center of the province, is located in the...

Toll of Syrian Victims Killed by Extremist Groups

From Supporting Syrians to Killing Them A- Introduction: When the popular demonstrations started in March 2011, it was for certain demands concerning the Syrian people, demanding...

Ar-Raqqa, Statistics and Facts between the Syrian Regime and ISIS

Introduction ISIS has managed to take over Ar-Raqqa almost completely on 12 January, 2014. From that time until the issuance of Security Council resolution 2170,...

ISIS Forcibly Displaces about 150,000 People in Ein Al-Arab

On Saturday 19 July, 2014, SNHR published a report about the displacement of 2100 family at least in northern Aleppo countryside at the hands...

The Islamic State in Aleppo Countryside Copies the Syrian Regime’s Policy

Introduction: With the dawn of Wednesday 13 August, IS attacked many points controlled by the armed opposition in the northern countryside of Aleppo, most notably:...

ISIS displaces 2100 families in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo

Details ISIS has been massing huge forces since the beginning of July in Jarabls – eastern Aleppo countryside and in Ash-Shoyok town, which is under...

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is Displacing Eastern Der Ezzor countryside

Ash-Shahil city is located in the Eastern countryside of Der Ezzor, it is 45 Km away from the city center and it has a...

A major escalation of the violations committed by The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant organization consist of Non-Syrian majority ( the proportion is nearly 85% ). The most important is that...

ISIS Executes Prisoners and Civilians of Syrian Opposition

Incident details: The report methodology relays on the investigations that were carried out by SNHR with two leaders of Free Army. The report contains their...


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