
Is it the Syrian Regime or ISIL?

Destruction of Vital Facilities in Opposition Controlled Regions I- Introduction: “The scorched land” is the Syrian regime’s strategy when it comes to targeting vital facilities....

Allegedly Russian Warplanes Kills 104 Civilians, including 25 children and 15 women

Syria’s Sun Won’t Rise From Moscow I- Introduction and Methodology: On 30 September 2015, Russian forces commenced air strikes on Syria and announced that it...

Eastern Ghouta in Syria: “A Land Watered by Blood”

I- Introduction: Eastern Ghouta in Damascus suburbs witnessed a systemized and deliberate shelling and destruction campaign by government forces that were not restricted on...

The Most Notable Violations in Idlib Governorate

“Blood-Soaked Olives” I- Introduction: Idlib governorate was subjected to a number of attacks and a systemized destruction policy that was not restricted to front lines...

The Humanitarian and Medical Consequences of “Storm of the South” Battle

I- Executive Summary: On 25 June 2015, armed opposition factions of the southern front announced the beginning of a battle called “Storm of the South”...

Fleeing Death to Face another

Most notable incidents of drowning deaths First: A Neglected Crisis With the growing numbers of Syrian refugees, the number of Syrian refugees, by the end of...

Four Years Harvest: the Highlights of Human Rights Violations in Syria

Report Methodology The Syrian Network for Human Rights is human rights organization founded in June 2011, and it is a neutral independent non-governmental, non-profit organization....

Eastern Ghouta is Targeted by an Indiscriminate Killing Campaign

143 civilians were killed including 28 women and 29 children in five days Introduction Government forces have perpetrated many crimes against humanity, through its daily killings,...

Secret Detention Centers in Syria

Der Shmiel camp Introduction With the accumulating, ceaseless widespread, and systematic arrests and detentions is continuing at the hands of government forces (The army, security forces,...

The Syrian Government Violates The Agreement in Al-Wa’r Neighborhood Despite UN’s Sponsorship

Al-Wa’r neighborhood has been under the Syrian regime’s suffocating siege since 10 October, 2013. The Syrian regime is using siege, as a method of...


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