
Besieging neighborhoods in Damascus

Many governments, high level UN's officials, and Human Rights Organizations including Syrian Network for Human Rights called Syrian Government to grant access to the...

Slow Death in Moadamyeh

Moadamyeh is located west of Damascus city in East Ghouta, administratively affiliated to Darya district of Damascus countryside, the current population is 12 thousand...

Targeting of Al Bishara Church by ISIS

Al Bishara church is one of churches in Raqqa governorate which is located northern of Al Diyafa castle and southern of governorate building Then, they...

Besieging neighborhoods in Aleppo

Aleppo is the second biggest governorate in Syria, and it’s the economical capital of Syria, Syrian armed oppositions controlled the entire Eastern Area in...

Crime against humanity Government forces killed 312 victims of medical cadres: 143 doctors, 54 pharmacists and 87 paramedics

Syrian Network for Human Rights considered one of the most prominent United Nation's sources in documenting non-international armed conflict's victims in Syrian, through permanent...

Zaatari camp, the second largest refugee camp in the world Indicators and figures

Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, located 12 km south of Syrian-Jordan borders, extends over a distance of 8km, on dry desert land. Among almost 670.000...

Report on violations against activists and people of Amouda city by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party

The documenting of the incident: In the early hours of Monday, June 17, 2013 at around 03: 30 AM, approximately 125 to 150 gunmen affiliated...

A Special report on the Disastrous Situation in Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood in Damascus

Government forces has imposed a siege on Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood on Thursday 13/12/2012. As of this writing, it banned food and medical...

Types of Checkpoints Used by the Syrian Regime to Besiege and Arrest Citizens

Introduction: The Syrian regime has been increasingly establishing military and security checkpoints since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, in particular in hotspots like Daraa,...

Targeting Medical Personnel by Syrian Government are Crimes against Humanity

Syrian government are killing hundreds of Syrian people every day in addition to hundreds of other people who are injured. Those who survived cannot...


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