Thematic Reports

Eastern Ghouta in Syria: “A Land Watered by Blood”

I- Introduction: Eastern Ghouta in Damascus suburbs witnessed a systemized and deliberate shelling and destruction campaign by government forces that were not restricted on...

Following the Steps of the Syrian Government: ISIL Violates UN Security Council Resolutions

130 violations by Syrian government forces and 2 violations by ISIL I- Introduction: In this report we record, and for the first time, ISIL’s use...

Douma Massacre August 2015

Shelling Crowded Markets at Rush Hour I- Introduction: Douma city is the largest district in rebel-held eastern Ghouta, which has been subjected to crippling siege...

International Coalition Forces Targets Armed Opposition Groups for the Third Time

246 individuals were killed as a result including 243 civilians I- Introduction: SNHR previously issued eight reports that documented civilian’s death by the international coalition...

The Most Notable Violations in Idlib Governorate

“Blood-Soaked Olives” I- Introduction: Idlib governorate was subjected to a number of attacks and a systemized destruction policy that was not restricted to front lines...

Toxic Gases in Syria: Unlimited Security Council Breaches

125 Breaches of UNSC Resolution 2118, including 56 Breaches of Resolution 2209 I- Introduction and Methodology: On 21 August 2013, the Syrian government committed a...

Civilian’s Death Toll due to the International Coalition Airstrikes

International Coalition Aviation Killed 225 Civilians, including 65 Children and 37 Women I- Introduction Since 23 September 2014, International Coalition forces joined the four major conflict...

Sexual Abuse: “A Scar of a Lifetime” Rape in Syrian Security Branches: Seven Rapped Women in Hama Security Branch

I- Introduction: SNHR documented the rape of seven women in Hama State Security Branch. In previous reports we discussed different violations committed against Syrian...

The Humanitarian and Medical Consequences of “Storm of the South” Battle

I- Executive Summary: On 25 June 2015, armed opposition factions of the southern front announced the beginning of a battle called “Storm of the South”...

Ramadan’s death toll during the past 5 years The death of 18205 individuals during Ramadan months since 2011 up till now

I- Introduction: This report includes the documentation and death toll of the most notable massacres committed in the months of Ramadan since 2011 up till...


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