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Joint Statement: Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Languages Available In English عربي   Every Casualty Counts, together with members of the Casualty Recorders Network, Airwars and the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) welcome...

Investigation: The Syrian Regime Used Cluster Munitions to Target a Gathering of IDPs Camps in Northwestern Idlib City

Russia Backed the Syrian Regime in the Attack Remnants of a 9M27K1 rocket used by Syrian regime forces in a cluster munition attack on the...

SNHR Holds a Forum Cosponsored by Multiple World States on the 12th Anniversary of the Popular Uprising in Syria

The US, Germany, Qatar, and the Netherlands Condemn the Syrian Regime’s Violations and Reiterate Their Position of non-Normalization With the Regime Languages Available In English عربي   Paris...

On the 12th Anniversary of the Popular Uprising: A Total of 230,224 Civilians Documented as Dead, including 15,275 Who Died due to Torture, 154,871...

A Democratic Political Transition is the Principal Demand of the 12-Year Popular Uprising Languages Available In English عربي   Press release: (Download the full report below) Paris – The...

Invitation to Attend Event on the Twelfth Anniversary of the Start of the Popular Movement in Syria

Twelve Years and Counting: Persisting Human Rights Violations in an Unsafe Syria Languages Available In English عربي   The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) invites you to...

At the Invitation of Georgetown University in Qatar and the ASIL, SNHR Participates in a Panel on Humanitarian Intervention from the Perspective of International...

Fadel Abdul Ghany, Executive Director of SNHR, delivering his address on humanitarian intervention from the perspective of international law Photo taken from: Georgetown University...


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