
We Condemn the Assault on the Staff of International Sham University, the Syrian Interim Government and the SNA Must Uphold Their Legal Responsibilities

International Sham University in Izaz city in Aleppo governorate | Photo by: open sources Languages Available In English عربي   On Monday, June 26, 2023, a group of...

SNHR Participates in a Seminar for the Campaign, ‘Journeys of Hope. Together we create opportunities. Inclusion of refugees builds a better future for all.’

Languages Available In English عربي   The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is pleased to invite you to a seminar discussing the campaign, ‘Journeys of Hope....

SNHR Participates in the SUN Event ‘Impunity Kills – Lessons from Syria and Ukraine’

Languages Available In English عربي   The Hague - The Syrian Network for Human Rights: Fadel Abdul Ghany, Executive Director of the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR),...

On World Refugee Day: Syria is Still Unsafe, The Return of Millions of Refugees Hinges on Realizing a Democratic Political Change

SNHR Calls on the Greek Authorities and the UNHCR to Launch an Investigation Into the Causes of the Sinking of the Boat Carrying Asylum...

Baytna, SNHR, The White Helmets, Held an Event on the Sidelines of the Syria Brussels VII Conference Entitled, ‘We know who used chemical weapons...

The panelists at the side-event, 'We know who used chemical weapons in Syria, what is next', held on the sidelines of the Syria Brussels...

We Urge Lebanese Authorities Not to Forcibly Repatriate Syrian Regime Army Defector Saleh Nemer al-Samar to Syria, Which Would Put His Life at Risk

Languages Available In English عربي   On April 19, 2023, Lebanon’s General Security forces arrested Saleh Nemer al-Samar, a former major with the Syrian regime army who...

SNHR Participates in the Panel, ‘Impunity Kills Lessons from Syria and Ukraine’

Languages Available In English عربي   The Syria-Ukraine Network (SUN), a coalition of organizations and individuals in Syria, Ukraine, and abroad which aims to expose and stop...

We Know Who Used Chemical Weapons in Syria: What is Next?

We Know Who Used Chemical Weapons in Syria: What is Next? Languages Available In English عربي   The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), Batyna, and the White...

On the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression: 30,034 Children Have Been Documented as Killed in Syria Since March 2011, Including 198...

Restoring Relations With the Syrian Regime Only Protracts the Conflict Without Providing a Political Solution, as More & More Children Victims Will Face More...

Readmitting the Syrian Regime into the Arab League Does Not Mean that Syria is Safe for the Return of Refugees Since the Regime is...

The Syrian Regime Has Given No Indications of Goodwill, With Approximately 136,000 Syrian Citizens Still Imprisoned in Regime Detention Centers, Including Approximately 8,473 Women Jordan,...


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