
Condemning the kidnapping of UNDOF personnel

On Wednesday 27 August, 2014 in the morning several armed factions (Bait Al-Maqdes Islamic group, Faloujat Houran brigade, An-Nussra front, Thouar Syria front, Al-Jehad...

The killing of James Foley and the Syrian media hell

On 19 August, Human Rights and media activists in Syria and across the world were devastated after IS published a video entitled: “A message...

The High Commissioner Publishes an Updated List of Deaths in the Syrian Conflict Victims, SNHR is one of its most prominent sources

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has published yesterday the fourth update of the deaths list in Syria,...

Syrian Network for Human Rights apologizes as it won’t be able to display the 50,000 victims

Syrian Network for Human Rights apologizes as it won’t be able to display the 50,000 victims-board in the sit-in that was organized to commemorate...

On the anniversary of Ghouta massacre: SNHR is organizing a sit-in in front of the Syrian embassy in Amman

SNHR will be organizing a one-hour sit-in in front of the Syrian Embassy in Amman on the first-year anniversary of the largest massacre in...

First year anniversary of Ghouta chemical attack

Before the massacre The Syrian regime used gases likely to be poison 28 times. The first one of which were on 23 December, 2012 where...

IS might perpetrate retaliatory massacres in Der Ezzor

What is more dangerous is that IS has issued a 24 hours cautionary notice where it said that all the residents of the rebellious...

Faten Fawwaz from a Ph.D. in Physics and Atomic science to forced-disappearance

SNHR has previously published several statements about Dr. Faten Fawwaz being imprisoned by the Syrian authorities. Nevertheless, most recently, Dr. Faten Fawwaz was transferred...

The Syrian chess champion is forcibly disappeared inside the Syrian regime detention centers

Dr. Ranya Al-Abbasi, born in 1970, is a dentist who started playing chess since she was a little girl. She was Syria’s and the...

Activists Not Released Despite Amnesty

(New York, July 18, 2014) – Scores of civil society activists, human rights defenders, media and humanitarian workers remain in arbitrary detention in Syria...


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