9 April 2015. In view of the dramatic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the Palestinian Yarmouk refugee camp (located South Damascus), the undersigned...
1478 Barrel Bombs Killed 104 Individuals, including 33 Children and 19 Women
By daily observing and recording violations, after the beginning of the popular...
Executive Summary:
In March no less than 68 vital facilities were targeted-by as follows:
Government forces: 53
Extremist groups:
- ISIS: 6
- An-Nussra front: 2
Armed opposition factions: 6
The suffering of Palestinians living in Syria’s Yarmouk camp has reached unprecedented levels and must be alleviated immediately
Since mid-2013, the northern areas of...
A- Executive Summary:
SNHR documented no less than 35 massacres in March 2015 committed-by as follows:
1. Government forces: 32 Massacres
2. Extremist groups:
a. ISIS: 2 Massacres