US-led coalition

1000 Days Have Passed Since the International Coalition’s Operations Started in Syria

1256 Civilians Have Been Killed Including 383 Children Since the intervention of the US-led international coalition forces started on September 23, 2014, SNHR has been...

For the first time International Coalition forces kill more civilians than Russian forces in January 2017

View full Report english/International_Coalition_forces_kill_more_civilians_than_Russian_forces_en.pdf

649 individuals Killed at the Hands of the International Coalition Forces including 244 Children and 132 Women

The only Way to Defeat ISIS is to Ally with the whole Syrian People SNHR has released the report: “The only Way to Defeat ISIS...

New Attacks by the International Coalition Forces Result in Losses and Civilian Victims

The Killing of 267 Civilians at the hands of The International Coalition I- Introduction Since the US-led international coalition commenced its military intervention on Syria...

International Coalition Forces Targets Armed Opposition Groups for the Third Time

246 individuals were killed as a result including 243 civilians I- Introduction: SNHR previously issued eight reports that documented civilian’s death by the international coalition...

Civilian’s Death Toll due to the International Coalition Airstrikes

International Coalition Aviation Killed 225 Civilians, including 65 Children and 37 Women I- Introduction Since 23 September 2014, International Coalition forces joined the four major conflict...

More Evidences Proving the International Coalition’s Involvement in the Massacre of Ber Mahli Village

First: The International Coalition Warplanes were Probably Behind the Bombing Usually, the international coalition warplanes’ airstrikes are accurate and focused. The international coalition targeted six...

169 Civilians including 42 Children and 30 Women have been Killed by the International Collation Forces

Documenting the targeting of Ber Mahli village in Aleppo suburbs where 64 civilians were killed First: Geographic Location and Military Control Ber Mahli village is located...

The International Alliance Responsible for the Deaths of 103 Civilians, Including 11 Children and 11 Women

The International Alliance Victims Toll Introduction: The International Alliance forces continue the air strikes that started in September 23rd, 2014 against ISIS, on the locations, centers,...

Alliance Forces’ Shelling Kills Civilians in Der Ezzor

Government Forces Have Killed Civilians 80 Times More in the Same Period of Time Introduction The alliance forces’ military campaign against Daesh begun on 23 September,...


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