
The death of 818 Individuals Due to the Syrian Regime’s and ISIS’s Siege of Civilian-populated cities

The Responsibility of the United Nations for the siege of civilians in Syria SNHR issued a research of "the responsibility of the United Nations for the siege of civilians in...

No Alternative to Return Home: Violations Committed by Kurdish- Self-Management Forces in Al Hassaka Governorate

Widespread Violations Displace Tens of Thousands of Al Hassaka Residents I- Introduction and Methodology: Al Hassaka governorate...

Analytical Study about the Leaked Pictures of Torture Victims in Syrian Military Hospitals

“The Photographed Holocaust” Languages Available In English عربي The Syrian Network for Human Rights notes that this study includes a graphic...

Syrian Artists: Between Freedom and Oppression

Most Notable Violations against Artists in Syria Executive Summary: Violations against artists are as follows: First: Extrajudicial killing: SNHR documented the...

Most Notable Sectarian and Ethnic Cleansing Massacre

The Society’s Holocaust First: Introduction and Terminology Over the past four years, thousands of massacres have been perpetrated in Syria....

Awaiting Justice

Most Notable Armed Opposition Detention Centers Methodology This report relies on the information that we gathered from released prisoners who were imprisoned by the armed opposition....

Targeting Christian Places of Worship in Syria

63% have been targeted by government’s forces Introduction: Since the early days of the uprising in Syria in March 2011, Assad regime committed all of its...


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